Brokerage, and maintenance by the designers and builders
of the original Wilderness Trailboats

Our Background
Since the 1970s Wilderness boats have been making sturdy, spacious,
and comfortable inland waterways trail-boats for use all across the world.
Often described as the "Volkswagen camper of the inland waterways"
these friendly-looking boats are loved by hundreds of owners and are the envy
of many on both smaller craft and larger craft unable to explore the vast inland waterways of Europe.
We offer the following services:-
Secondhand boat sales
Boat deliveries
Holiday and relocation transport
Outboard motor servicing
Trailer servicing
Repairs and winter maintenance
Technical backup for all aspects of Wilderness trailboating
Boat Valeting
Propex and Truma blown-air central heating
Yamaha and Parsun Outboard Engines